January 2020 Fishing has started off with a bang, once the winds died down on the 14th, we were able to get out in the gulf and get away from some of the extreme low tides in the bay making many area’s inaccessible.
Having seen sargasso weeds in the bay when out still relatively fresh, I knew some offshore near blue water had a good chance of being near shore. It didn’t take long to prove that out, as Bonita and Kings had moved in as close as 5 miles in schools.
Fishing with a Wisconsin crew we caught 10 hard fighting Bonita within a few hours and left them biting. There were large schools roaming, and milling about, somewhat uncommon. Normally you will not see them or you will see the water churning as they are chop through schools of bait. Unpressured we were able to easily stay on them. I should rename the boat “One Last Cast” we sure do enough of them and more often than not, it’s productive.

One Last Cast Sunset Sanibel & Captiva Offshore

School of Happy Bonita, milling around.

3 doubles on Bonita makes it very exciting. One of our strongest fighters a member of the Tuna family.