Winter Fishing around Sanibel Captiva Islands

Transition From Fall water temps to Winter 12-6-19

This graph shows the official demarcation between Fall Temps and Winter Temps.   We will fish snappers and grouper, King Mackerel, False Albacore, and various pelagics that prefer cooler temps.  Fish that are normally in deeper (cooler waters) in the summer come closer to shore.   If you’ve been fishing in 100 ft all Summer you may overshoot the fish.  Try 85ft on the way out, even 50-65ft will hold some keeper grouper that were not available in the summer.

I like to switch to afternoon trips to give the sun a chance to warm up the waters for a while if given a choice.  Generally pleasant conditions, with the best being 3 days after a front passes.

It’s now Mid January and the weather warmed considerably with water temps now in the low 70’s. that is about to change as the coldest weather of the year is about ready to hit now on January 17th.  High winds for 4 days a brief pause then more high winds as another front hit will hit.  We are still in the 3-7 day between the fronts range.    It should begin to ease to a 7-11 day period between fronts sometime in the next month.   In the meantime, it’s keep your head down and find the leeward areas for shelter from the wind.  Fortunately, we are blessed with an abundance of Mangroves that make great wind blocks.

This is the essence of winter fishing on Sanibel & Captiva.